The Devil Has A Plan For Your Life

by Lemuel Niere


“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” John 10:10.

According to these words of Jesus, the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy everything good in your life. He wants to destroy your job, your joy, your health, your finances, your marriage, and your kids. The thief wants to ruin anything he can get his hands on!

The word “thief” comes from the Greek word klepto, which means to steal. It gives a picture of a bandit, pickpocket, or thief who is so artful in the way he steals. Jesus uses this word to let us know the devil is very cunning in the way he steals from people. Often the devil injects thoughts into our minds to steal our peace, joy, and even our beliefs.

The word klepto describes a thief’s uncontrollable urge to get his hands into someone’s pockets. I find it very interesting that this is where we get the word kleptomaniac, which describes a person with a persistent, neurotic impulse to steal. Just as a kleptomaniac can’t help but steal, the devil can’t stop stealing because it is his impulse and his very nature to steal.

The thief wants to get his hands into every good thing in your life. In fact, this pickpocket is looking for any opportunity to wiggle his way so deeply into your personal affairs that he can walk off with everything you hold precious and dear. His plan is to rob you blind and create conditions and situations so horrible that you’ll see no way to solve the problem . His goal is to totally waste and devastate your life. His ultimate aim is to obliterate your life.

There’s no doubt about it! The devil wants you defeated. The devil wants you to struggle through your entire life. The devil wants you to be sick, depressed, down in the dumps, glum, and miserable. 

But in contrast, Jesus wants to give you a life that is unrivaled, unequaled, matchless, incomparable, richly loaded, and overflowing with vitality to the ultimate maximum. 


Jesus will give you the power to resist every attack and to overcome every strategy the devil ever tries to use against you. Put your trust in Jesus. James 4:7 is a promise:

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”