by Lemuel Niere

Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do” John 6:5, 6

Has it ever happened to you where Jesus asks you to do something that seems impossible to your natural mind? He expects you to take a leap of faith and accomplish what others say can’t be done. His request may expose the fact that you need to work a little more on your faith!

Philip’s answer to Jesus shows his deficiency. He didn’t realize God’s stores of supernatural provision are always more than enough!

What a blessing that Jesus would ask us to do things that reveal who we really are—for only then will we really discover the areas of our faith that need improvement!

The next time Jesus gives you a fabulous, impossible-looking job or challenge to do, rejoice if it reveals a little shakiness in your ability to believe. Now you know that you have a deficiency in your faith walk—and you can start today to do something about it!

You and I will never loose in the entanglements, besetting circumstances, or challenges that come into our lives as long as we rely on Him who is the source of everything.

Let our prayer be, “Lord, I want to thank you for allowing me to be part of Your great plans. You could use someone else, but You have chosen to use me. For this, I am thankful to you. If there is any faith defiency in me, please expose it and relieve me only through You who’s resources are boundless and limitless. Amen