IN THE PRESENCE OF GREATNESS Excerpted from Creation Life

Excerpted from Creation Life


“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Psalm 16:11

In the history of technology, few meetings have been as pivotal as the encounter between Steve Jobs and Edwin Land. Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple, held Land, the inventor of instant photography and pioneering mind behind Polaroid, in the highest esteem. For Jobs, meeting Land was like “visiting a shrine,” a profound experience that would shape his approach to innovation and design for years to come. Jobs viewed Land as more than just an inventor; he was a visionary who saw the delicate interplay between art, science and commerce.


This transformative encounter demonstrates the profound impact that being in the presence of inspiring people can have on our lives. It challenges us to seek out mentors and role models who can inspire us to reach new heights in our own pursuits. But as transformative as these human encounters can be, they pale in comparison to the ultimate transformative experience: being in the presence of God. Imagine, for a moment, what it would be like to stand in the very presence of the Creator of the universe. How much more profound and life-changing would that encounter be? The amazing news is that we don’t have to imagine. Through Christ, we have the incredible privilege of experiencing God’s presence in our lives each day.

Just as Steve Jobs was transformed by his encounters with Edwin Land, we too are invited into a transformative relationship with our Heavenly Father where we can experience the abundant life that awaits us in God’s presence. Unlike human mentors or heroes, God’s presence is not limited by time or place. He is always accessible, always ready to guide, comfort and inspire us. In His presence, we find not just temporary excitement or fleeting inspiration but enduring joy and eternal pleasures. As we seek His face daily through prayer, worship and meditation on His Word, we open ourselves to a continuous stream of divine wisdom and transformative power.

Let our prayer be:

Heavenly Father, we are in awe of the transformative power of Your presence.

Thank You for the incredible privilege of being able to come before You anytime, anywhere.

Help us to seek Your face daily, knowing that in Your presence we find fullness of joy and endless inspiration.

May our encounters with You shape our character, fuel our creativity and empower us to make a difference in this world.

Guide us along the path of life, and let our lives be a testament to the transformative power of Your love and grace.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.