by Pastor Lem Niere

“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward” Hebrews 10:35


Have you ever gotten so exhausted from waiting for God’s promise to come to pass that you were tempted to say, “Forget it! I’ve waited long enough! I’m not going to sit here and wait any longer. I’ve given enough of my life to do this, and I’m tired of it. I’m going to toss the whole thing away and move on with my life!”

If this is a temptation for you, then you need to read Hebrews 10:35—God’s strong warning that urges us never to quit and never to give up. The use of the word “to cast away” suggests that the Hebrew Christians were thinking, If we hadn’t stood so firmly on the Word of God all these years, at least we could have done something else with out lives. Let’s just forget the promise God gave us. We’ve held on long enough! Let’s just toss it aside and forget about it. They were beginning to lose heart.

God’s response to these kinds of lying thoughts, accusations, and doubts is “capsulized" in this text. God cries out to them to hold tight and to never let go of the promises He had made to each of them. The word “confidence” means boldness and depicts a very bold, frank, outspoken kind of language. It carries the meaning of being forthright, blunt, direct, and straight to the point. In this verse, it refers to the bold, brave, fearless declarations and faith confessions regarding God’s promises that these believers had been making.

Another way of expressing Hebrews 10:35 is, “Don’t discard, dispel, dismiss, dump, or cast off your bold declaration of faith, because it has great recompense of reward.” 

Don’t let the devil talk you into tossing away your faith. You’ve waited too long and have invested too much of your life into this promise for you to walk away from it now. If you walk away from what God promised you after waiting all these years, it will mean that all those years were for nothing!

The manifestation and fulfilment of what God has promised is just around the corner. So hold fast! Never quit in your trust and faith in what God has promised. It’s the devil’s ultimate purpose to discourage you. He wants you to discard your faith now because  he knows that if you hang on much longer, you’ll see your dreams come true!

So it’s time for you to hang tight, hold on, and keep believing, because it won’t be much longer until you are standing in the middle of your dreams—which God has promised!